Body Shaping/Sculpting:

Body Shaping/sculpting for women involves a combination of weight-bearing exercises, cardiovascular training, core condition workouts and a sound nutrition plan. Contrary to common misconception body shaping will not make you become vascular or gain muscle size (like body building does), rather it will enhance fat burning and promote the development of leaner curves, greater strength and endurance.

Female hormone composition prevents the development of bulky muscles and encourages a trim and attractive physique with many associated health benefits.

You will be provided with an exercise regime that takes into account nutrition and addressing current/past injuries and work life balance.
Each program is tailored to suit your individual requirements assisting you to achieve realistic goals in realistic time frames.

I will detail exactly what’s needed in terms of duration, frequency and intensity for each training session and will provide you with constant support ensuring we’re making the most of your limited time.

So whether you’re an elite athlete or simply looking to train for the first time, I have the expertise, experience and determination to help you achieve your goals.